We believe in sharing our design wisdom and technical expertise.

Through our in-house freelancing services, including expert graphic design and web development, elegant copywriting and ingenious content strategy, we’ve become renowned for quality and reliability – and we earn that reputation for greatness every day!

Dummy Image
Creative Director

Adam Denisov

Dummy Image

Harinder Bharwal

Dummy Image

Alma Malmberg


CSS Capabilities

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Web And Domain

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JQuery Power

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Web Design

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WP Framework

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Support Center

Whether it’s through our carefully crafted themes or our custom design and development services, we deliver inspiring results that speak for themselves and stand the test of time.

You’re looking for answers, would like to solve a problem

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We strive for excellence and share our knowledge

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All potential customers feel confident about our products.

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You don’t need any coding skills to get professional results.

We are a passionate team of professional web designers and developers, and WordPress virtuosos, who specialize in creating premium WordPress themes.

You, your brand deserve the very best, and that’s why we pour our love and expertise into Impeka theme.



Build a fast website for the highest user experience.



Everything you’ll need inside a powerful back-end.


JQuery Power

More than 50 elements will make your life much easier.

Effortless and intuitive

User experience is one of our highest priorities, and the clean and contemporary interface of Impeka is the icing on the premium cake.